About us

                                                        We are Rob and Sheril Richards

                                                 - Hayley, Riley, Jubilee and Jeremiah, too

We currently live in Maple Falls, Washington, (northeast of Bellingham - at the base of Mt. Baker).  We desire to live a vibrant and passionate life, serving God in missions and igniting a passion in others to live life purposefully for Him.

Rob is the COO for ServiceMaster Clean by Roth and ServiceMaster of Whatcom County, where he has the pleasure of  living out his faith and strives to honor God daily by running a small service company that serves Whatcom and Skagit County and a small commercial janitorial business serving Whatcom County. He desires to spur others on to be all God created them to be.  He volunteers his time and writes small group study/discussion guides based on weekly sermons.  Rob also shared his skill and enjoyment of sports by coaching community youth soccer teams for nine years with Sheril.

Sheril is a homemaker and home educator.  She writes, designs, promotes creativity and takes care of house and family.

The children:
Hayley is a full time college student who has a desire to join in the fight to protect God's creatures and enjoys studying biological anthropology.

Riley is a high school junior who enjoys writing and will be taking classes at Whatcom Community College this year.

Jubilee is ten years old and likes being around people, listening to stories, lions and hand sewing.

Jeremiah - "Jem" is also ten years old and likes playing outside, reading and wrestling with his brother.

Although we have six different schedules to contend with, we still enjoy being together as a family.  We like to play games, go for walks, hang out, watch movies and explore.  A couple of years ago we took several day trips around Washington State.  As a family we visited the eyeball propane tank, the troll under the bridge, the museum of mysteries, the buggiest state park, the setting for the Twilight books, rode a ferry and found a great camping spot.  So when you are looking for something to do just check out the oddities in your state and buckle up for some great family fun.

Last year some of us went to Zambia and the others went to Gramma's house.  For our all together family time we had special days - world traveler day, artist day, etc.. where we stayed home and had fun with crazy activities and food. 

This summer Riley will be starting classes at WCC, Hayley will be working, Jubilee and Jem will be camping in the yard and we hope to squeeze in a few days of vacation.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact us at RobnGoob@gmail.com - we would love to hear from you.

"He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the LORD require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."  Micah 6:8