Action International Malawi

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We will be partnering with Action International once again - this time in the country of Malawi.  We met with Chet and LeAnne Burns last summer and had a great time of fellowship.  Since then we have been greatly looking forward to visiting them and seeing how God is using them in Malawi.

ACTION missionaries in Malawi work in the areas of pastoral leadership development, ministry to children in crisis, and evangelism and discipleship.

Pastoral Leadership Development

Working with local church leaders in rural Malawi is a focus of ACTION missionaries in Malawi. One way to assist local churches is to provide effective training to church leaders who have no type of formal training. ACTION works with over 80 different evangelical churches in the district of Ntcheu.

Children in Crisis

Malawi is a developing nation which has been devastated by poverty, HIV, and poor medical care. More than half of the population of over 13 million are under the age of 18; 1 million are orphans. To combat this problem, ACTION ministers alongside local churches through a feeding program for children, providing for other physical needs of children, and assisting with school fees so students can attend school.

Evangelism and Discipleship

Although Malawi is considered a Christian nation, there are many who are in desperate need of salvation. Many Malawians live under the title of “Christian,” yet are not living a life fully surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ. ACTION seeks to work alongside the local church to bring the light of God’s love into a culture full of false teachings, animism, and witchcraft. This is done through Bible camps, Bible clubs, and personal discipleship.

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