The below link has a great video about Zambia
Interesting Facts about Zambia
  • The population is over 10 million
  • It is slightly larger than Texas
  • The nearest Ocean is 600 miles away
  • The home of Victoria Falls

  • The primary industries are mining, agriculture, and tourism.
  • Iron and copper have been mined in Zambia for over 2000 years
  • Despite declining reserves, copper is still the key resource of Zambia; Zambia is the world's fifth-largest producer.

  • The average yearly income is $400
  • The unemployment rate is 80%
  • It is one of the 20 poorest nations in the world
  • Half of the population is under the age of 15

  • Zambia is one of the hardest hit nations with AIDS
  • An African child dies every 30 seconds from malaria, which is a treatable disease
  • Up to 650,000 orphans live in Zambia; 100,000 of them live on the streets, many due to death and abandonment from AIDS.