Monday, January 31, 2011

the poem

In a previous post (the happy new year one) I made reference to a poem that my mom had on the refrigerator while I was growing up. Imagine my joyful surprise when, during a visit to celebrate Jubilee and Jem's birthdays, my mom handed me an envelope that contained the poem. How fun! Thanks, Mom! So here is the poem, author unknown, that is so simple and yet so true. May it impact your life like it has mine.

I would rather have one little rose
From the garden of a friend
Than to have the choicest flowers
When my stay on earth must end.

I would rather have a pleasant word
In kindness said to me
Than flattery when my heart is still,
And life has ceased to be.

I would rather have a loving smile
From friends I know are true
Than tears shed 'round my casket
When to this world I bid adieu.

Bring me all your flowers today,
Whether pink, or white, or red;
I'd rather have one blossom now
Than a truckload when I'm dead.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jeremiah!

Today, January 28, is Jeremiah's 10th birthday. Jem has been looking forward to this day for at least three years. He is an avid bike rider and he is, shall we say, fearless. Or would that be, reckless. And when he turned seven he wanted to ride his bike with one hand but we told him he had to wait until he was ten before he would be allowed to try that. Well, at the time ten seemed so far away but now it is here. Jem enjoys playing sports, reading, eating and trying to 'get' his older brother. Jem, we are thankful you are part of our family and we love you! Happy Birthday!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Did you know that in Malawi there are over 900,000 orphans - that 83,000 new youth will contract HIV/AIDS this year - that on average there are 219 funerals everyday due to AIDS? We didn't either. But God has placed Malawi on our hearts. Why did He do that? We are not sure but we are eager to learn more. And, yes, when we learn more you will, too, so prepare your hearts and get ready for the adventure.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jubilee!

Today, January 18, is Jubilee's birthday. She has now entered the double digit zone. (Today she turns 10.) Jubilee enjoys being in the kitchen and she likes to help. Sunday nights she gets to do both. A highlight of Jubilee's week is going to Sunday Night Alive at our church and helping in the kitchen. She also loves animals, riding her bike, painting and hand sewing. Jubilee is a confident, caring young lady and I am so thankful God brought her into our lives - I am thrilled to be able to be her mom! Happy Birthday, Jubilee! I love you!

(and, yes, the snake photo was taken a couple of years ago but it does show her love of snakes)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Please Pray

We just got word that Jerry's sister died. Please join us in praying for Jerry and his family.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Little Updates

Just wanted to take a minute and update you on a couple of gentlemen we introduced you to in previous posts.
Last we heard Jerry is saving/raising money to take a trip to Malawi to help start an AWANA program. He is also in need of a new pair of glasses and he met a girl. Ok, he meets lots of people but he met a girl and is seeking God's wisdom as far as how to/if to progress in their relationship.

Steve Allen was with Patson and he gave Patson a few dollars for bus fare to get home. Patson was so grateful and told Steve that he and his family had had nothing to eat for the past couple of days and so now they could get some food. The next day there was a family gathering and Patson gave the food he had just bought away because others were in need.
Please continue to pray for these Godly men - praise God for them and petition Him on their behalf.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fight Apathy

While in Zambia, Riley's resolve to minister to youth deepened. He came away with an even more passionate desire to fight the apathy that has taken hold of American youth. He is disappointed with the lack of zeal his peers have for the Saviour of their souls. Riley wants to light a fire so that his generation and those that follow will be hot for Christ. The first sermon Riley preached was on Revelation 3 and the danger of being lukewarm - being lukewarm takes all the joy out of life, too. Riley desires to live a life passionately sold out to Jesus Christ. Please join him in the fight against complacency and pray for him as he is on the front lines.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

God is like a hippo

We all learned so much in Zambia and God worked in all of our lives while we were there. When we asked Hayley how God had been working in her, one of the things she mentioned was that she better understood what it means to fear the Lord. I am now going to try to tell you what she said - this is not a quote from her but me passing her wisdom on to you.
Crocodiles are downright freaky. They are scary and we should all be afraid of them. They are quick, powerful, wild. However, hippos are the most dangerous animals in Africa and they, too, are quick, powerful and wild. But there is just something about hippos that draws one to them. As I wrote earlier, we were close enough to a hippopotamus to reach out and touch it. And although Hayley knew that this animal was so much more powerful than she and that in an instant it could destroy everything around it including her, she had such a desire to touch it - to be close and to connect with it.
God is to be feared - we are to acknowledge He is the most powerful; He is sovereign. And yet He draws us near, wanting us to connect with Him. He is a just and righteous God, holy and worthy of awe - and He wants a relationship with us. Hayley's desire for God grew while in Africa.

God is not like a crocodile to be afraid of and avoided. God is like a hippopotamus to be respected and enjoyed.
"The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy." Psalm 147:11

Monday, January 3, 2011

Having Fun!

Just had to share these photos from Riley's birthday. He and a couple of friends - Brayden and Brad - went bowling and then out for sub sandwiches. Rob and I transported, paid and watched. I must tell you, hanging out with these boys was a hoot and a half! Watching them bowl was fun - the skipping, tripping, gutterballing, and well, the general laughter made us giggle. Ok, I giggled - Rob does not giggle, he laughs. Then Brayden and Brad wore super fake mustaches and Riley wore his birthday crown (but not his birthday boy sash) out to the sub shop. The car ride home was fun, too. Thanks for the laughs boys!