Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Little Updates

Just wanted to take a minute and update you on a couple of gentlemen we introduced you to in previous posts.
Last we heard Jerry is saving/raising money to take a trip to Malawi to help start an AWANA program. He is also in need of a new pair of glasses and he met a girl. Ok, he meets lots of people but he met a girl and is seeking God's wisdom as far as how to/if to progress in their relationship.

Steve Allen was with Patson and he gave Patson a few dollars for bus fare to get home. Patson was so grateful and told Steve that he and his family had had nothing to eat for the past couple of days and so now they could get some food. The next day there was a family gathering and Patson gave the food he had just bought away because others were in need.
Please continue to pray for these Godly men - praise God for them and petition Him on their behalf.

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