Friday, September 30, 2011

Making Memories

Can I just say - WOW! God is amazing! And oh, so creative!!! Rob and I spent the few days we had off being utterly knocked to our knees by the awesomeness of God. It was zooapalooza and it was so much fun. We visited several zoos in the area - Woodland Park Zoo (twice), Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, Greater Vancouver Zoo, and the Vancouver Aquarium. We were entertained by squirrel monkeys, mesmerized by jelly fish, intrigued by a vulture, drawn to an anteater, purred at by a cheetah and so much more.

And to think I was a bit down in the dumps before our vacation. You see, I had been planning a road trip for me and Rob and when it didn't work out a little black rain cloud floated in and took residence over my head. But then my children reminded me of something important - very important. Big trips, fabulous destinations and money to spend do not make good vacations. Making memories is what counts - and memories are made in moments. So I set out to live in the moment, enjoy our time together and make memories. And make memories we did! We had so much fun enjoying God's creatures ... and being just a tad bit silly (fun photos, temporary tattoos, goofy hats, etc...).

So next time you feel a little black rain cloud headed your way - take a breath, enjoy the moment and make a memory...go to the zoo. God is amazing!

"How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number - living things both large and small." Psalm 104:24&25

Friday, September 23, 2011


Homelessness is an issue that is dividing churches. Some people are very outspoken and encourage others to ignore people on street corners asking for help because they "will just buy alcohol," or because they "should get a job." Others believe we should help those in need and what they do with the help is in God's hand. And many more are somewhere in between.

This morning I was watching a small group study resource by Erwin McManus and the issue of homelessness was raised. The dvd clip that stood out to me actually had nothing to do with the topic of study - it was just a side note. The clip showed a driver at a stoplight with a man on the corner holding a sign asking for help. The clip went over thoughts the driver had about the man and then it ended with a verse - Matthew 25:40 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."

To be honest, that was the first time I had seen that verse used in that way. An my first thought was - it's about time. You see, I have been wrestling with this verse and the common usage for quite awhile. when talking about this verse most people equate 'the least of these' to poor African orphans or those living in Cite Soliel shanty town in Haiti - and we usually don't hear mutterings about the need for them to get jobs or about what they might do with the help given to them. But there are people in need everywhere - and rather than specify who 'the least of these' - or those in the most need - are, I believe Christ is telling us of the importance of helping people in need, especially other followers of Christ. When we do this, when we tangibly love those who are hurting, we are loving our King.

So what about the homeless man on the corner? Is he hurting? In need? Does he know Christ? Does he need Christ? Is he a con artist, an alcoholic or is he a man "...needing enough for one meal, to humble (himself) enough to beg - to suffer our staring, pitying, disgusted, ignoring, untrusting eyes?"

Did you know:

37% of homeless are families
25% of homeless are children

70% of homeless have NO alcohol or drug problems

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:17&18

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Great News...

Ok, I know you have been wondering about what is going on with Jerry in Lusaka so here it is....

He is getting married!!! We are so thrilled and excited for him. If you remember back in January we asked you to pray for Jerry and God's guidance in a new relationship he was forming with a young woman. And, well, prayers have been answered in a major way! We so wanted to be able to fly back and be a part of Jerry's special day but we are unable to do that. So instead, please join us in praying for Jerry and his bride-to-be. May their life together be filled with a bounty of blessings!