Friday, September 30, 2011

Making Memories

Can I just say - WOW! God is amazing! And oh, so creative!!! Rob and I spent the few days we had off being utterly knocked to our knees by the awesomeness of God. It was zooapalooza and it was so much fun. We visited several zoos in the area - Woodland Park Zoo (twice), Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, Greater Vancouver Zoo, and the Vancouver Aquarium. We were entertained by squirrel monkeys, mesmerized by jelly fish, intrigued by a vulture, drawn to an anteater, purred at by a cheetah and so much more.

And to think I was a bit down in the dumps before our vacation. You see, I had been planning a road trip for me and Rob and when it didn't work out a little black rain cloud floated in and took residence over my head. But then my children reminded me of something important - very important. Big trips, fabulous destinations and money to spend do not make good vacations. Making memories is what counts - and memories are made in moments. So I set out to live in the moment, enjoy our time together and make memories. And make memories we did! We had so much fun enjoying God's creatures ... and being just a tad bit silly (fun photos, temporary tattoos, goofy hats, etc...).

So next time you feel a little black rain cloud headed your way - take a breath, enjoy the moment and make a memory...go to the zoo. God is amazing!

"How many are your works, O LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number - living things both large and small." Psalm 104:24&25

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