Thursday, October 6, 2011

More on Malawi

Back on January 21st we told you that God had put Malawi on our hearts and we have written a few posts with factual tidbits about it. A few weeks ago we had the privilege of meeting and visiting with a couple who are missionaries to Malawi. Chet and LeAnne Burns were stateside for a couple of months and a few days before they left to go back they graciously gave us some of their time. It was a very long day - traveling 11 and a half hours round trip - but what an incredible meeting we had! God's timing might not be ours but He continues to amaze us - like dropping this meeting in our laps, so to speak. We learned so much about the Burns' and their ministry - Chet has a background in business - they have adopted internationally - they home educate - Chet is constantly driving people to the hospital because there isn't any medical care in the area they live and people would die without him - they are involved in pastoral leadership development, feeding centers and much more -they are alone on the field, the only ones serving a ginormous area (they work in the rural district of Ntcheu). The potential for ministry in this area is so vast; the harvest is ready but the workers are few. Our hearts once again connected to Malawi and we so desire to go visit and see it first hand. Please pray for us, the Burns' family and Malawi. Zikomo.

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