Thursday, October 20, 2011

Great News

Guess what! Someone sent a flock of chickens to a family in need in our name. Isn't that super great!! Ok, they didn't personally box up a bunch of chickens and send them oversees but they made a donation to Heifer International - and Heifer takes care of the details. Heifer is an organization dedicated to ending world hunger (a passion of mine, as well!). Heifer is taking steps toward this goal by giving livestock to families devastated by hunger, training the families how to take care of the livestock and requiring each family to pass on the gift - meaning that the family who receives 'our' chickens will need to give a flock of chickens (once theirs start reproducing) to another family in need. So you see, the family 'we' are helping will now have fresh eggs and meat to eat, eggs and meat to sell (providing an income and helping to break the cycle of poverty) and the joy of being able to help another family. We have been involved with Heifer for several years and when we received the email saying someone gave chickens in our name, well, we are just thrilled and had to share! With the holiday season coming, check out the Heifer catalog and give the gift of life - by way of chickens, cows, sheep, bees, etc.. It feels great!

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