Monday, October 31, 2011

Great Resolve

Jubilee, Jem and I are studying the life of William Bradford - along with William Brewster, England, the difference between the Puritans and the Separatists, and the Pilgrims. And what fun we are having! But how convicted we are, too! While reading about William Bradford I caught myself thinking 'things were different back then.' When in reality, the people we were reading about were just men - human - like us. What has stuck with me the most is the resolve of William Bradford - even as a youth. As a teen, when friends and family were trying to persuade him not to leave the Church of England, he said the following.
"To keep a good conscience and walk in such Way as God had prescribed in His Word, is a thing which I must prefer before you all, and above life itself. Wherefore, since it is for a good Cause that I am likely to suffer the disasters which you lay before me, you have no cause to be either angry with me, or sorry for me. Yea, I am not only willing to part with everything that is dear to me in this world for this Cause but I am thankful that God hath given me heart so to do; and will accept me so to suffer for Him." WOW!
And the Pilgrims - again, people like us with thoughts, feelings, wants, desires and temptations - were willing to sell everything they had - EVERYTHING - say good-bye to friends and family - maybe forever - and face unknown dangers, hardships and heartache all in order to freely serve, love and worship God. Again I say - WOW!

May we use the lives of those who have gone before to inspire and encourage us to live our lives fully sold-out for Jesus Christ. And may we always remember the sacrifices they made.

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