Friday, November 4, 2011


The district of Ntcheu is located between the two main cities in Malawi - Lilongwe in the north and Blantyre in the south. It is located near the border of Mozambique and is the area where we would like to go. We read of a pastor living in this district who visits 60 churches a month on an old worn out bicycle in order to bring encouragement, prayer and teaching to other followers of Christ. And he does this joyfully and willingly while trying to support his family on less than one dollar a day. You can do the math - gone a lot, no support, little training. How incredible would it be for this man to have a new bicycle? financial support for his family? Biblical training? a partner in ministry? a time of refreshment?

The primary language spoken in Ntcheu is Chichewa. So as the desire to take a trip there deepens we thought we should learn at least a bit of the language - and since you are walking this journey with us, we would like to share a few of the phrases we are working on.

Si ndi kumva. -- I don't hear (understand). (This is a good one to start with, don't you think?)
Mu nenenso pang'ono pang'ono. -- say it again slowly
Moni. -- hello (o as in go and i as in hit)
Muli bwanji? -- how are you?
Ndi ma ku-konda-ni. -- I love you
and we already know - zikomo -- thank you
One down and only a bajillion to go!

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