Sunday, November 20, 2011

Beki Rohan Update

Beki Rohan has been in Niger for about nine months now and I have been trying to periodically keep you updated on her ministry. She has a praise to share - the recent purchase of a new moto! She has pictures of it on her website and - what a ride! I can't even imagine riding one of those - let alone having one break down constantly while I was out and about. She gives God glory for His timing and provision - let's join her!

Beki has also admittedly recognized that change is a real part of her life. A change on the horizon is leaving Niger to attend an intensive language school in France. She plans to go for a few months in 2012 - hopefully February - June. Although Beki does speak French, this school will be extremely beneficial to her continued work in Niger.

For more information and to see photos - check out her website:

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