Monday, November 14, 2011

One With Them

As I sit here in church my heart is sinking and tears are falling - yes, that's right, I am writing this (on paper) during church. My mind is swirling - I hear the sermon but God has my heart and I am crumbling. Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church - a day, one day, set aside for believers in Christ to come together to support and pray for those being persecuted for their faith - for our brothers and sisters in Christ, for our family - and the church I attend has chosen, deliberately chosen, not to partner with the persecuted church. I am shocked, angry, sad and utterly broken. Now, I understand that there are a lot of 'causes' that we each hold as dear and important - but the cause of Christ is not negotiable.
Part of the pain I am feeling is because a lot of other things are happening here today, announcements, events, video clips - and yet, the leadership was approached a month ago, resources were loaned and volunteers were made available to do whatever was needed in order to help the church unite with our family around the globe - to join believers around the world in praying for the same thing on the same day at the same time. (Just imagine the power ...)
There were several follow-ups but nothing was said, and now church is going on as normal.
My tears are still flowing. Did you know that nearly 70% of the world's population live in countries without religious freedom - with severe consequences to following Christ - suffering - alone? A couple of ministries we are involved with are Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs. Each has a website and I encourage you to check them out. My family and I are currently wearing 'barbed wire' bracelets that say One With Them - put out by Open Doors. And we will continue to be ONE WITH THEM.

*on a side note - I was just told that next week someone will publicly pray for the persecuted church during the service. And to be honest, that leaves me with mixed emotions. It is wonderful that an acknowledgement of the suffering of our brothers and sisters will be made. It is also very disheartening that nothing was done today, on the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. I mean, it might be just me but today was the day. If my husband did not acknowledge my birthday on my birthday I would be terribly upset. (Good thing I have a wonderful husband who always makes me feel special on my birthday - even when he is away!) So, for me it isn't exactly 'too little too late' because any prayer for those suffering is great - but I am still deeply saddened because the church I attend chose not to join with others but to try to do their own thing at their own time seemingly for convenience sake. And if we learn anything from the persecuted church it is that following Christ is not convenient - nor should it be. May we not hold on to our own agendas but may we put Christ and His people first. ONE WITH THEM


  1. Beautifully written, you get your feelings accross without pointing fingers/blameing anyone.
