Monday, October 24, 2011

Go Cougars!!

Wow - what an adventure! Hayley Ann and I just got back from Pullman, WA, and we had a great time! We arrived safe and sound, albeit a tad tired. After a couple hours of sleep we spent the day exploring the Washington State University campus - and walking about 52 miles!! That being said, the WSU campus is amazingly great. It is beautiful - and actually green - with a nice layout. We were welcomed by their distinguished entomology professor, were able to sit in on an actual lecture, spoke to admissions advisers, ate in one of the cafeterias, took a campus tour including dorm rooms and lots more. We got to see where they keep the cadavers but we didn't get a chance to see the bears. Did you know that several grizzly bears live on the campus - real, live bears? And just when I felt like my legs were about to fall off - mind you I had just had a full day of normal stuff then I drove seven hours then slept for about four then walked about fifty two miles and then was about to get back in the car and drive for seven more hours - we found it... a real Barnes and Noble store with a coffee shop - on campus. Ahhhh..
And Pullman was fun, too. There are cougars painted in the intersections and WSU banners literally all over the place. The new Safeway store even has a cougar tiled into the floor. All of Pullman seems to be rallied around WSU. It really is a college town.
Needless to say, we had a great trip. And, no, nothing has been decided. Although WSU would be a great fit for Hayley, so would the other universities on the list. We have toured two and she is considering a couple more. So as she is filling out applications and we are writing checks for the application fees, please keep Hayley in your prayers as she seeks wisdom and direction on what avenue to take in regards to continuing her education. And no matter where she goes we will always say... Go Cougs!

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