Friday, October 28, 2011


Snakes are reptiles. They are cold-blooded, which means they are unable to make their own body heat. Snakes can live almost anywhere - deserts, grasslands, woodlands, swamps, water. In cold areas, snakes hibernate in the winter. More than 10,000 garter snakes can live in a single den and they can release stinky, bad-tasting liquid, helping them to escape predators.
As I was reading about snakes one thought kept coming to mind - the church. Bear with me here. Just as snakes need the sun to fill them with warmth so, too, we need the Son to fill us. There are members of the church everywhere - rich areas and poor, city and rural, across the globe. Just as snakes are lulled into sleep by the coldness of winter, the church can be lulled into a waking sleep by the comforts and security of a mediocre life. And it can 'hibernate' together, in small country churches or heart-of-the-city mega churches 10,000 members strong. And as for the stinky liquid that seeps out of garter snakes - well, the church is full of those who seep bitterness, judgementalness and just plain blandness. Not very tasty to those who are searching for the Bread of Life.
Snakes also have a bad reputation. The word snake is even used as a slang word for bad guy.
Although snakes are actually SUPER COOL creatures I, for one, do not want to be like one -I do not want my passion for Jesus Christ to grow cold, for the things of the world to lull me into hibernation. And I don't want to secrete smelly goo.
However, giving off the fragrant smell of joy, love, hope and thankfulness, living in true community and being filled with the Son are all things I would like to be. May we, the church, stop hibernating and, instead, live a passionate life devoted to Jesus Christ.

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