Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jubilee and Jeremiah

The past couple of weeks have been very busy - I was being led through the Refiner's fire, we had snow, snow, snow and we celebrated two birthdays. That's right - Jubilee and Jeremiah both turned 11! Although the snow changed birthday plans, they were both troopers and had very special days. Happy Birthday to them!

Saturday, January 21, 2012


We have been snowed in all week - and I mean snowed in - like, can't-move-the-car-because-there-is-so-much-snow snowed in. Although Rob was able to drive the 4 wheel drive suburban to get to work (thanks for getting it running, Pa!) the rest of us were home. It was a nice break from school for Hayley and Riley - but Jubilee and Jem had tests. I was also reminded that I DO NOT like snow!! Being cold is just not for me!! It is a good thing Hayley didn't mind - because I hear Fairbanks gets a tad more snow than we have!! We still have tons of snow but I am so thankful for one thing... our power has stayed on through it all - snow, wind, ice - and I am hopeful it will continue to stay on.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Malawi 2012

Rob and I are heading to Malawi in June 2012 and we are so excited! More information to come....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Over the holidays we did something we've never done before - we went to Zoolights at the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. It was so much fun!! We arrived early so we had time to walk around and see the animals. Then when the zoo closed for an hour to get ready we stayed and had dinner in the cafe. And then we saw the lights. They were totally spectacular! There were literally millions of lights - hodge podge, animal shapes, scenes, moving pictures - simply amazing!! It was so fun I wondered for a moment why we had never done it before. And then I thought - super long drive, expensive, below freezing temperatures - hmmmm....

I am so glad we made the trip and if you have never been I would highly encourage you to make plans and go next year. Just remember your camera, scarf and hat!