Saturday, January 21, 2012


We have been snowed in all week - and I mean snowed in - like, can't-move-the-car-because-there-is-so-much-snow snowed in. Although Rob was able to drive the 4 wheel drive suburban to get to work (thanks for getting it running, Pa!) the rest of us were home. It was a nice break from school for Hayley and Riley - but Jubilee and Jem had tests. I was also reminded that I DO NOT like snow!! Being cold is just not for me!! It is a good thing Hayley didn't mind - because I hear Fairbanks gets a tad more snow than we have!! We still have tons of snow but I am so thankful for one thing... our power has stayed on through it all - snow, wind, ice - and I am hopeful it will continue to stay on.

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