Friday, February 17, 2012


I couldn't do it. The music was playing and the words were up on the wall but I just couldn't sing the chorus. It went something like this - Your grace is enough - Your grace is enough - Your grace is enough for me. At that moment my mind had flashed to North Korea, to the estimated 70,000 fellow followers of Christ who are suffering through unimaginable torture in North Korea's notorious labor camps. And to the over 400,000 believers living in fear because even owning a Bible in North Korea could get them executed or imprisoned for life with their whole family. As the congregation was singing I simply wondered if those words were true for me - is His grace enough for me? Theologically speaking, I believe Ephesians 2:8&9, so, yes, I believe His grace is enough to save me. And maybe I was over thinking things but the question was, is His grace enough for me. If everything else was stripped away, everything, do I believe His grace is enough? Could His grace be enough to get me through slavery in a labor camp or imprisonment or foreclosure or job loss or separation from family or heartache or .... And the answer is yes it could be enough - but would I accept it as enough? Would I be ok losing everything as long as I had His grace? Would you??

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