Friday, April 6, 2012

Ups and Downs

Growing up, Chutes and Ladders was one of my favorite games. We had the board where the ladders and slides actually meant something - good behavior=ladder and bad behavior=slide. (I say that only because I recently saw a version that wasn't about behavior, just cute little pictures.) And, actually, the board in the photo is hanging on the wall in our home. Yes, that's right, on the wall - near the tricycle wheel, old suitcase and - oops, I digress, this post is not about what is on my wall; it is about ups and downs. While playing Chutes and Ladders players spin the spinner, move their person and, depending where their person lands, climb up, slide down or stay on level ground. The path to square number one hundred is never the same - and it is never boring.
I find that to be true with life, as well. Each person's path is different even when the destination is the same. And with God, it is never boring. There are ups and downs, bumps and potholes, straight stretches and curves. There are times when we climb, slide and stay on level ground. Sometimes we can't see where our foot will fall when we take our next step and other times we are allowed a glimpse of where the path is taking us. And like playing Chutes and Ladders, sometimes we feel like we are winning and sometimes we feel as though we are losing. But when we commit to play, we know we will make it to the finish eventually. And that is where I am now - simply living in my commitment to play.
May we learn to walk with passion, embracing the ladders and slides, and may we wholeheartedly commit to play.

1 comment:

  1. "Up and down,
    Round and round,
    Climb the ladder, OOPS!
    Slide down..."

    This post is so cute. :)
