Thursday, November 29, 2012


Our time in Ntcheu came to an end.  On the way back to Lilongwe we drove through Dedza District.  This district is halfway between Lilongwe and Ntcheu - about a one and a half hour drive from each.  Dedza District Center looked very similar to Ntcheu, but not as busy.  Action Malawi Trust is not currently serving here because there is so much to do in Ntcheu and only a few people to do it.  But the churches in Dedza are asking for help.  As we left Dedza we felt very burdened for this area.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

"You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God, and I will exalt you.  Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."
Psalm 118:28-29

Monday, November 19, 2012


     Now is the time to tell you about Hayley's favorite Malawi story - donkeys.  While in Ntcheu District we saw goats, cows, chickens, pigs, dogs and doves, but no donkeys.  While in Balaka District it was the same thing.  And Dedza District, too.  We didn't really think much of it until we learned why.  But before I tell you, let me ask you a question.  Can you think of a passage in the Bible that mentions a donkey?  How about in Numbers 22 where we are told of Balaam's donkey who saw the angel of the LORD and whose mouth the LORD opened.  And in Matthew 21 where we read how Jesus rode on one as he entered Jerusalem.  The evidence is there, donkeys are special animals.
     Ok, now back to present day rural Malawi.  Donkeys do have a special gift; they know who the gules are.  (Remember gules - witch doctors - from a past post...)  When a gule walks near a donkey, the donkey will act up.  It becomes uneasy, distressed and causes a commotion.  And this is true even when the gule is not all dressed up.  A donkey just knows.  And because of this, gules will kill any/all donkeys in the three districts.  And that is why there are no donkeys in that huge area of rural Malawi.  After learning this I have a new respect and admiration for donkeys.  How about you?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Pastor Leadership Development

Most rural pastors in Malawi do not have any training and most church attenders do not have Bibles.  Action Malawi Trust has seen the need and is involved in pastor leadership development.  One of the ways AMT serves and teaches pastors in rural Malawi is by hosting Biblical seminars, or training sessions.  While we were in Malawi we had the privilege of sitting in on a class Dr. Gary Riebens taught on the first two chapters of Ephesians.  This class was open to church leaders, teachers and members as well as pastors.  The class was in a village located near the main road so it was easier for people from surrounding villages to attend.  When the several day class was over the participants received certificates of completion and a Bibles all their own.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Thanks so much for your patience - I spent last week preparing for a holiday craft bazaar that took place last Saturday.  It was fun and festive and I am already looking forward to the next one.  But for now I have more Malawi stories to share.  :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Village Videos

I am again calling on my video disclaimer - beware of motion sickness as you watch - and beware of smiles as you see the beautiful children.