Monday, November 19, 2012


     Now is the time to tell you about Hayley's favorite Malawi story - donkeys.  While in Ntcheu District we saw goats, cows, chickens, pigs, dogs and doves, but no donkeys.  While in Balaka District it was the same thing.  And Dedza District, too.  We didn't really think much of it until we learned why.  But before I tell you, let me ask you a question.  Can you think of a passage in the Bible that mentions a donkey?  How about in Numbers 22 where we are told of Balaam's donkey who saw the angel of the LORD and whose mouth the LORD opened.  And in Matthew 21 where we read how Jesus rode on one as he entered Jerusalem.  The evidence is there, donkeys are special animals.
     Ok, now back to present day rural Malawi.  Donkeys do have a special gift; they know who the gules are.  (Remember gules - witch doctors - from a past post...)  When a gule walks near a donkey, the donkey will act up.  It becomes uneasy, distressed and causes a commotion.  And this is true even when the gule is not all dressed up.  A donkey just knows.  And because of this, gules will kill any/all donkeys in the three districts.  And that is why there are no donkeys in that huge area of rural Malawi.  After learning this I have a new respect and admiration for donkeys.  How about you?

1 comment:

  1. How can you not? I mean, really!

    So excited to finally see this on your blog!

    Isn't it amazing how God gifted these creatures to be able to see the invisible-to-man spiritual relm?

    Take that person believeing mankind is superior to animals!
