Wednesday, July 28, 2010

on top of everything...skunks

Wow, what a whirlwind! I had a super great birthday. I didn't make a meal or wash a dish or put anything away - it was wonderfully relaxing! We even had a picnic at the water in Anacortes. And my birthday was full of surprises, too! (I just love surprises!)

Now, well, we are back in full swing preparing to go. And as we have been getting ready, a new family has introduced itself to us - a skunk family. The mom seems to stay hidden during the day but the two babies are a bit too curious for me! Not sure how to get rid of them - any ideas? Maybe they will be gone before we get back?

Anyway, last Monday we had another meeting where we finalized details and prayed. Today we are preparing our home, packing and making our list of last minute things to do before departure. The list just seems to grow and grow and I still have the feeling I am forgetting something. Hmmmm.....

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Point

Friday I had a very yummy lunch (Hawaiian cob salad and iced tea) with a girlfriend (Hi, Diana!) as we celebrated our birthdays together. We sat outside and enjoyed the view of water, boats and flowers. The air was cool and the sun warm. The music playing in the background was simply wonderful, too. We talked about work, family, children - wait a minute, I guess they would go under the family topic - all things crafty, summer, Zambia and more. Her excitement about our upcoming trip was very contagious. And I got the point.

The point is not to focus on the snags, frustrations and disappointments regarding this journey. The point is to focus on Jesus Christ and the opportunity we have to share His good news as we begin to build a foundation for solid biblical teaching for children in a rural area in Zambia. The point is I am enjoying God's grace and it compels me to make His glory known. The point is I have been told to go and am going. The point is God loves the little Zambian boy infected with AIDS and I need to go tell him. The point is the widowed Zambian woman who just buried her youngest child needs to know the true Comforter - and I could introduce her to Him.

So, you see, the point is not me or you or our opinions. The point is, and always will be, JESUS CHRIST.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I just finished reading the book Radical, written by David Platt. Wow! Mr. Platt challenges us to take an honest look at what the Bible has to say about the security and comfort we hold so dear. He shares with us the true global purpose God has for His people. He explains how we tend to disinfect people instead of disciple them. Mr. Platt goes so far as to say, "Every saved person this side of heaven owes the gospel to every lost person this side of hell," making it clear that because we are owned by Christ "we owe Christ to the world."

I recommend that you read this book. But be careful - it just might change your way of thinking!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Please pray

As we finalize details we are in need of your prayers. Last minute snags, requests, paperwork, money needs and changes are seeming to be showering down on us. And we just realized we don't have any luggage! I mean, we have a few bags and backpacks but not what is needed. As the stress is mounting we would sure appreciate your prayers! (And pray for my parents, too, as Jubilee and Jeremiah will be staying with them.)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


In three weeks we will be heading off to a rural area west of Lusaka, Zambia, in order to help start an AWANA program in a new church. We will be helping with leadership training, teaching, advertising and the actual running of a club meeting. A vibrant youth ministry is so important - especially since half of the population in Zambia is 15 years old or younger.
This map is for those of you who have been asking where Zambia is and are not satisfied with the answer "in Africa."

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Meeting 7 - the Power of Prayer

Last Sunday the team got together for meeting number seven. We were again at the Bryson's home for food and fellowship. This time we had barbecued burgers, homemade potato salad, chips and drinks - but no fire. We discussed finances and the requests that we keep receiving for us to bring things for the AZ team and for additional fees and monies. However, the topic of the day was prayer. Without people praying for us and this trip, we would be lost. Knowing that we are lifted up before the Lord by our team of prayer warriors is a great encouragement to us. We made sure each and every member of the team going to Zambia has at least a few people praying for them - and they do! (Many of you are praying for us and we are extremely thankful!) We read through the Zambia section of the book Operation World and then we spent a great deal of time praying for the country. We would highly encourage you to get a copy of this book - it has a section on every country in the world. The book gives country facts and statistics along with specific ways to pray for each one. There is also a children's version and although it does not cover every single country it is full of photos. The photos really bring the countries to life, making it more real and relevant to younger readers. And to me, too! I really get a lot out of pictures and stories, not just facts. So, add both books to your library and set off on an incredible prayer journey around the world.