Wednesday, July 28, 2010

on top of everything...skunks

Wow, what a whirlwind! I had a super great birthday. I didn't make a meal or wash a dish or put anything away - it was wonderfully relaxing! We even had a picnic at the water in Anacortes. And my birthday was full of surprises, too! (I just love surprises!)

Now, well, we are back in full swing preparing to go. And as we have been getting ready, a new family has introduced itself to us - a skunk family. The mom seems to stay hidden during the day but the two babies are a bit too curious for me! Not sure how to get rid of them - any ideas? Maybe they will be gone before we get back?

Anyway, last Monday we had another meeting where we finalized details and prayed. Today we are preparing our home, packing and making our list of last minute things to do before departure. The list just seems to grow and grow and I still have the feeling I am forgetting something. Hmmmm.....

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