Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Point

Friday I had a very yummy lunch (Hawaiian cob salad and iced tea) with a girlfriend (Hi, Diana!) as we celebrated our birthdays together. We sat outside and enjoyed the view of water, boats and flowers. The air was cool and the sun warm. The music playing in the background was simply wonderful, too. We talked about work, family, children - wait a minute, I guess they would go under the family topic - all things crafty, summer, Zambia and more. Her excitement about our upcoming trip was very contagious. And I got the point.

The point is not to focus on the snags, frustrations and disappointments regarding this journey. The point is to focus on Jesus Christ and the opportunity we have to share His good news as we begin to build a foundation for solid biblical teaching for children in a rural area in Zambia. The point is I am enjoying God's grace and it compels me to make His glory known. The point is I have been told to go and am going. The point is God loves the little Zambian boy infected with AIDS and I need to go tell him. The point is the widowed Zambian woman who just buried her youngest child needs to know the true Comforter - and I could introduce her to Him.

So, you see, the point is not me or you or our opinions. The point is, and always will be, JESUS CHRIST.

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