Sunday, August 29, 2010

Take Notice

In a previous post I mentioned a bit about the water situation in Zambia. But now it has come to life. This photo is of a woman who stopped us while we were out walking in Kasupe. She asked if we would please take her picture - not for vanity's sake but for a desire she had in her heart. She told us she wanted women in America to see and take notice of what women in Zambia do. This woman walks several miles to get water - lifting the heavy container up onto her head to carry back home. And the thing is, she does this 4 or 5 times a day - everyday - seven days a week - 365 days per year - rain or shine. Imagine walking several miles in the rain while carrying an extremely heavy load and shortly after you return home you must head out and do it again, and then again, and again and again.

May we all take notice of the work Zambian women are doing in order to care for their families - praising God for their willingness and petitioning Him to give them added strength and joy.

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