Sunday, August 22, 2010

We are back...

We are back - got home early Wednesday morning. Thanks so much to those of you who were praying for us! While we were in Zambia we were reminded how fleeting life is. In one case a man, father of three, who was also there on a short term trip was in an accident (on one of the roads we traveled) and died. His remains arrived back in the states one day before we did. Another incident happened when our family was staying in town at a missionary guest house. The night guard approached a car that was in fact being stolen from the fenced grounds and the thieves kidnapped him at gunpoint -they threw a bag over his head, put him in the car and drove off. Thankfully, they let him go and he arrived back at the guest house by police escort. And all of this happened right outside of our window.

Please continue to pray for us as I am fighting a horrible case of jet lag - at least that is what we think it is.....

We have so much to share but I do not want to overwhelm you. I will try to tell a little bit at a time - if possible.

But for now - please know that God is alive and working in Zambia!!

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