Friday, June 24, 2011


Instruments make beautiful music - but only in the hands of talented musicians.

We own several musical instruments - keyboard, acoustic guitars, electric guitar, harmonica, recorders. They are all willing to be played and are capable of making wonderful sounds. But not in my hands. You see, I do not possess an ounce of musical talent. That's right - not even an ounce. I can appreciate other people's skill but I have had to come to terms with the fact that I will never play the fiddle or the banjo. While I sit here thinking about my lost career as a bluegrass band member I am thankfully aware that as we prepare for short term mission trips - or for serving the King in any way - we do not need to put pressure on ourselves to perform. We do not need to be worried about what to say or do - we simply need to willingly submit ourselves to God and allow Him to work through us. Thelma Wells put it this way, "We are the instruments, but God is the one who must make the music through us."

May we continually place ourselves in the hands of the Master Musician and allow Him to use our lives to make beautiful music.

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