Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Now You See It - Now You Don't

Riley had long hair up until last summer when he got it cut in preparation to go to Zambia. Upon returning he decided to grow it out again. It has been almost a year and a couple of weeks ago he decided to get a haircut. Not a trim, mind you, a cut. As his long, thick, wavy hair fell to the floor he didn't even cringe. Riley's hair grows pretty fast so it he wants it long again he will just grow it out. No big deal. However, it was a very big deal to some of the people who know him. The first church service after the cut was filled with pointing fingers, whispers, comments and one young man so shocked he went right up during the service, gaping mouth and all, and petted Riley's head. It was too funny!

Riley's hair was here one minute and gone the next. And that is what temptation should be. You see, temptation is all around us all the time. Being tempted is not sin but what we do with that temptation could be. We must flee from temptation. God promises that we will not be tempted beyond what we can handle and that there will always be a way out - a way not to sin when confronted with temptation. There are many strategies to avoid sinning while being tempted. One is to not put yourself in a compromising situation to begin with. Another is to bounce your eyes when tempted with lust. Or when tempted to say something mean about the driver who just pulled out in front of you how about changing that thought to being thankful you even have a car to drive - a luxury most of the world does not have. When you are on the internet checking your email and you are tempted to visit a site you know is inappropriate or to search for images that are wrong to look at, fight it and turn the computer off. Yes, that is right, turn the computer off. That may sound drastic but it is no more drastic than cutting off your right hand if it causes you to sin. The point is - fight!

We are in a battle! But we are not fighting alone. Every day we have the armour of God to protect us and we have the power of the Holy Spirit within us. Acts chapter one tells us that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us - when we give our lives to Jesus Christ. And that power is the same power Christ used to raise the dead. Now that is true, amazing, awesome power! But during times of temptation it seems as though we forget just how much power we can access. May we remember to tap into the mighty power of the Holy Spirit within us and flee temptation. Prepare for battle - don't be a wimpy warrior!

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