Sunday, July 10, 2011

Feeling Wimpy

For the last couple of weeks I have been sick. And, actually, I am still not feeling as though the 'bug' is completely gone. Now, being a homemaker and stay-at-home mom I do not get 'sick days' - we moms are a tough bunch. But this time as I continued to keep our home running smoothly I couldn't help continually thinking about how awful I felt, how I just wanted to stay in bed - to feel better. My family did help out, and for that I am thankful. However, even with their help I was just feeling icky. But the worst was yet to come. You see, I had a variety of medicines to take in order to help me feel better. I had vitamins, too. But what about the moms I met in Kasupe? They don't get sick days. They still need to walk several miles a day to get water - regardless of how they feel. And they don't have vitamins or medicine or ...anything! So, what did I have to complain about? At this realization I felt sick and wimpy. Is it possible to be sick and not feel wimpy? Yes! Choose your attitude! I am thankful for the help I received - I am thankful for the vitamins, medicine, tea, tissues, honey and butterscotch candy - And I am praying for the women in Kasupe!

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