Thursday, July 28, 2011

Time Off

Things are getting back to normal after a couple weeks off. Rob was in Tennessee for a week and then he had a week of vacation. Or maybe we should use the new term staycation? We used the time to do yard work and celebrate my birthday. Although we didn't really go any where or do anything vacation like doing the time off, my birthday was a great day! Rob took me to Anacortes for lunch and fabric shopping and then the whole family loaded up and headed to Birch Bay for an evening of bubbles, parachute man throwing (I threw my arm out doing that - how sad), beach combing and marshmallow cooking over a campfire. Ahhh..... And as far as the yard work - with acreage there is always something to do and it was nice to have time to do it. So, all in all, the time off went by way too fast - as it usually does - and now reality is back.

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