Tuesday, August 2, 2011


When was it that we lost our affection for the bright yellow flowers that visit our yards every summer? We once thought dandelions were flowers fit for a queen, picking as many as we could hold and running with such excitement and joy to give them to our moms. When she filled a cup with water, put the dandelions in and carried it over to be the table centerpiece we beamed with pride. Yet, now we spend time and money on new ways to get rid of them. We get frustrated and irritated when they show up in our yards uninvited. We don't seem to care that they are edible and delicious along with being bright, cheery and beautiful. They are a nuisance and not a treasure. So what happened?

Was it that we grew up and got too mature? Are we simply bowing to a cultural norm without even thinking about it? Or are we afraid of what the neighbors might think if we allowed our yellow visitors to stay?

Just think about them for a minute. Dandelions awaken with the sun. Their color is eye-catching and gorgeous. Honey bees gather pollen from them and make delicious honey. They, in and of themselves, are a food source - a much needed free food source. No yard work is needed to grow them. And they close up in the evening. God made amazingly wonderful flowers - but when we see them we see weeds. Isn't that how it works with people, too? We judge them; we count some worthy of love and others we discard. We see potential in some and others we view as hopeless. Beauty is seen here but not there. We forget that God knit each and every one of us and that Jesus Christ gave His life to save us all. We forget that God is perfect and that what He makes is beautiful. May we strive to change our perspective and see things like Jesus - may we, too, see flowers instead of weeds.

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