Saturday, August 6, 2011


Have you ever had your hopes and dreams shattered? Have you ever cried out to God from the depths of your soul? What happened? How did you feel? My mom recently told me about a song that is heard on the radio - and since I am not an avid radio listener I had never heard it. The song asks some very thought provoking questions - I don't know them well enough to quote but they are something like these - What if His blessings come through raindrops? What if a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to know He is here with us? Let's think about those for a minute. Would we willingly have our dreams shattered or eagerly accept a thousand sleepless nights if it meant a deeper relationship with the Lord of the Universe? For blessings? Shatterings produce such pain that I am not sure we would. I mean, I think we want to say we would but unless we knew the end result ahead of time I don't think we would embrace the shatterings in our lives; we don't even seem to embrace our trivial, daily challenges. And yet, we do know the end result - for those who have accepted Jesus Christ - God has promised to be with us here and now and He has promised us a home with Him for all eternity. What greater blessing could there be?
May we remember to place all the pieces of our shattered dreams in the hands of God and may we begin to see blessings where we once saw pain.

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