Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Dance of the Dead

Although I do not get a lot of time to read I do enjoy it. I was recently without a book so I borrowed one from Riley. And I never expected to be so deeply impacted by a fiction book - especially because I am only half way through with it. Riley and I both like the way Ted Dekker writes but the book of his I am reading now is more than just well written; it is subtly powerful. It is making me think and, hopefully, changing the way I think.
"What a terrible thing it is for children to see death, you say. We have it all wrong. If you make a child terrified of death, he won't embrace it so easily. And death must be embraced if you wish to follow Christ..." Janjic Jovic, When Heaven Weeps. Think about that for a moment. How many of us do not embrace death? And yet if we follow Christ, isn't death gain - isn't it a good thing - something to look forward to? So why do we not embrace it? Why do we not encourage our children to embrace it?
"The love that I saw in the priest and in Nadia was a sentiment that destroyed desire for anything less than union with Christ. If you say you love Christ, but are not driven to throw away everything for that pearl of great price, you deceive yourself..." Janjic Jovic, When Heaven Weeps. Yikes! That is to point and quite powerful - not to mention a wee bit painful! But how true it is!!
Now add on to that the article I just read in the latest VOM newsletter. It is about Asia Bibi and her family. Asia was arrested in Pakistan two years ago and has been sentenced to death. Her crime...telling co-workers about Christ. And Asia said she will not denounce Jesus Christ. What about her family? Her husband and daughters have had to move numerous times because they are constantly being threatened. But her daughters are in full agreement with Janjic Jovic. Isha, 12 and Isham, 8, continually say, "If they kill us for Christ, that is okay. We are ready."
May we all be ready.

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