Sunday, August 14, 2011


I've heard that the outside of a refrigerator tells a lot about the people who use it. The refrigerators in some kitchens are spotless - no magnets, no fingerprints. Others are so full of stuff their color is hidden. How about the one in your kitchen? What does it say about you?

Unashamedly, our refrigerator is not void of fingerprints. In fact, our refrigerator is decorated with comics that make us smile, wildlife photos, photos of friends and family, inspirational quotes, letters (because you never get too old to play with magnetic letters), a blurb about Blake Mycoskie - the founder of TOMS shoes, artwork and a produce sticker collection - don't ask. We also have some forks on our fridge. That's right - forks. They are regular forks with magnets glued to the back. And, yes, they have a point. The forks are there to be a reminder to us - a daily reminder of the feast that is to come - the feast with our King - Isaiah 25:6 - Matthew 26:29 - Luke 13:29 - Luke 14:15. The forks remind us this life is not all there is - there is so much yet to come! We look forward to spending eternity together with Christ. I'm not sure what our fridge decor says about us but hopefully it says our home is filled with joy, love and hope - all sprinkled with fun!

May your home be filled with love, joy and hope, too. And may you hang a fork on your fridge and be reminded daily of what is to come.

Hanging a fork on your refrigerator is also a good way to share the hope you have in the Lord as your guests will ask why it is there. So go ahead, grab a fork, glue on a magnet and prepare for the feast!

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