Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trusting God with the Unknowns

As Hayley finishes her associate degree and Riley begins his college studies we are filled with much excitement - and worry. Where will they study? What will they study? How in the world can we/they afford to further their education? What if we can't? How will they respond to the world's pull on them? Will their faith and witness weaken or strengthen? Will they find joy in their studies and future careers? Will they put Jesus first, everyday even if they don't understand - no matter what? You get the idea.

We want the best for our children - as most parents do - and this is where trust comes in. We believe God has a plan for them and we are encouraging them to follow Him no matter what - to seek Him first and not worry about the rest. Granted, planning and preparing are needed activities but worry, not so much.

Providentially, I was reading in Matthew 6 today - and verses 25-34 talk about worry. We are reminded that God cares about us and will take care of us. Verse 34 is pretty straight forward, too - "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself..." Why are we worrying about college? We will be strong and courageous because God is with us.

So whatever you are worrying about - stop. I know - it's not that easy. But be strong and courageous with us and hard as it may be, when we put our worries in the hands of our Father amazing things happen. Try it and see!

"Worry never empties tomorrow of its sorrow, but it does empty it of its strength. Don't let anyone rob you of your confidence in God. Know His word. Hold on to His hand. He will make your impossible mission possible and your life so much more than bearable." Barbara Johnson.

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