Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Nshima!

Hey - guess what! I did it. It took a year but I found a recipe for nshima and I made it for dinner last Monday night. It was yummy and filling. And, yes, we ate with our fingers. The texture was not quite like what we had in Zambia - it was much smoother there. Although, if I made it every day of my life and if I actually used mealie then I think mine could be smooth, too. Maybe. But considering it was my first try.... it was pretty good.

On a side note:

Monday was Botswana day at our home. The children made maps and flags of Botswana, drew pictures on the window of animals found there and we ate traditional food from there. The corn meal mush is found through out southern Africa - in Zambia it is called nshima, in Botswana it is called begobep. So, technically, for dinner Monday we had begobep (nshima), morogo (cooked spinach relish) and diphaphata (stove-top muffins ). I'm not sure what the morogo or diphaphata were supposed to taste like but they were pretty good, too!

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