Sunday, December 4, 2011


When a family member enjoys studying biological anthropology a household can accumulate quite a few skeletons - as seen in the sampling above. Yes, the photo is of but a sampling of the many, many skeletons, skulls and bone photos that reside in our home. Hayley's fascination with bones has not only brought about the skeleton collection but it has also helped the rest of us remember the scientific names of lots of bones - mandible, clavicle, radius, ulna, humerus, carpals, patella, femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals and phalanges to name but a few. However, even seeing her passion for this field of science, I don't think I will ever remember the difference between Australopithecus aetheopicus and Australopithecus afarensis.
Some people are a tad freaked out by bones. (But just imagine what we would be like without them - freaky.) I wonder what Ezekiel thought when the Spirit of the LORD set him in a valley full of bones. (Ezekiel 37) The "great many bones" were dried up, lifeless, hopeless - just like Israel at that time and like some of us right now. According to Riley, hope is the most powerful force on earth. And I must agree with him. For without hope we are depressed, lifeless, empty, dry - just like those bones. Daily living is a struggle and the potholes on life's road can be paralyzing. But with hope we can endure anything - potholes and sinkholes alike. And God knows it. That is why we are continually reminded throughout scripture to put our hope in Him. And that is why He brought Ezekiel into the valley of dry bones - to remind Israel (and us) that the LORD gives hope, restores lives and can be trusted to do what He says. The LORD caused tendons and skin to grow over the bones. And when breath entered the bodies they came to life. What was once a valley full of dry bones was now a valley full of living, breathing people - a vast army. Awesome!!
So if you find your hope is drying up, put it in God and watch Him give life to your bones!


  1. And, don't forget Australopithecus Africanus! =)

  2. *Laughs* Who else do you know that has literal skeletons in their closets?

  3. In this photo you can see two of my very good friends. Evaristus (the largest) and Fred (the small one on Evaristus's lap).

