Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Coming King

Last Sunday night I had the privilege of participating in a Christmas sing along. We sang Christmas songs out of hymnals, read about the birth of our Saviour and talked about the Scriptures. Something that was said has been rattling around in my head. It went something like this...
The foretelling of the coming King is sprinkled throughout the Old Testament - and yet, the people were not prepared. The foretelling of the coming King (His second coming) is sprinkled throughout the New Testament - and yet people are not prepared. More specifically, we are not ready, not living as if He is coming soon. It is easy for us to look back and wonder why the people were not prepared when they knew He was coming - but now I am wondering why we are not prepared when we know He is coming back!!
May we take time this Christmas to not only look back to His birth but to also look ahead to His return. May it all be about Him!

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