Friday, June 22, 2012


This past weekend at Hayley Ann's graduation party one of our older friends quoted Acts 2:17 in "that young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams".

I wonder, how long will it take us young men to take those dreams and start making them into realities. What will it take for us to rise up and proclaim Jesus Christ with all that we have?

Over the years I have been told on more than one occasion and by several different men that my dreams, my ideals--I will eventually get over them.

I hope and pray that I never do and I am tired of being caught in one of his satan's favorite baits, that is... busyness. I was so thankful this past week for Pastor Jeff's reminder about how satan like to trap us.

I am hoping and praying that God will use our trip to renew and refuel our passion for Him and our desire to carry out His work.

Will you please pray along with me that our eyes do not ever become deadened nor our hearts become apathetic or worse yet, that we would become to busy and not allow for time to do His work. Pray that God will refuel us but also that he would give us a clear dream, a vision to fulfill His work-no matter what that is.

Keep Pressing On!!!

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