Sunday, June 3, 2012

Malawi Update

Here is a quick update on our trip to Malawi. We leave in two weeks - yes, two weeks! The only vaccination we needed was a hep B series - we had two and get the third in a few months. Rob is opting out of malaria medication but I am planning on taking it. We spent time with a local couple who is involved with a ministry in Malawi - in fact, the wife is Malawian. We had a great time of fellowship and learned a bit about Malawi, its culture and language. (Like how I was totally pronouncing Ntcheu wrong!) We still need to register with the embassy, shop and pack -although, we have started to gather items to take for the Burns' family, like Nestle hot coco and Tollhouse chocolate chips - neither of which they have in Malawi. I am ready to start packing. Not so much to have it done but more because I already feel like I am forgetting something. I would sure appreciate your thoughts on what to bring - maybe you'll remember what I am forgetting! We also need to confirm dates and details with those who will be helping out stateside while we are gone. (We so appreciate the help!) And we would love to know if you will be praying for us - we are asking for a team to pray for health and safety, clear direction and that we would glorify God in all we say and do.

And a quick bit about Malawi -
Along with the increase in gasoline prices (over $11 USD per gallon) the Malawian Kwacha fell and lost value so food (and other) prices are skyrocketing. The lack of rain has caused crops to fail and so a severe famine is predicted. We learned that in Lilongwe the children that are able to attend school have very limited supplies - very, very limited - meaning 25 children share one desk and one pencil. People are suffering and the need is great - but God is greater!!

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