Saturday, July 14, 2012

1, 2, 3...Go!

On Tuesday, June 19, 2012, we boarded a plane in Seattle and headed to Africa. Well, actually, after our flight was delayed we then boarded a very crowded airplane bound for Washington D.C., buckled into our no-leg-room-very-cramped-cheap-seats and... sat there - for a very long time. You see, there was a passenger seated several rows in front of us who was having difficulties. We are not sure exactly what sort of difficulties except that about forty-five minutes later he was unwillingly escorted off the plane by three big, burly Seattle firefighters. Then we were on our way.
We arrived in D.C., had a small layover and then set off for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The flight was long but relatively uneventful. The seats on this leg of the journey were, thankfully, much better. However, the airport in Addis Ababa is, well, not wonderful. After another short layover we boarded the next plane and... sat on the runway for almost an hour - without air conditioning - while we waited for someone to change a fuse - the one that controls engine cooling and the cabin air conditioner. That fixed and ourselves soaked with sweat, the air came on and we were off again - one more stop before Malawi.

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