Friday, July 27, 2012

Sunrises and Sunsets

In Malawi the sun rises around 5:30 AM - everyday. Very different from Washington. One day Rob and I got up before the sun and we were not disappointed. We witnessed light breaking through darkness and colors coming alive all around us. We were being beckoned to join in the new day, to embrace it - to suck the marrow from every moment. What a way to start the day!
And the sunsets in Malawi are simply spectacular, too. The sun sets around 6:00 PM - everyday. Without electricity the darkness slowly creeps in and covers everything like a thick blanket. But as it is setting, the sun not only changes its hue but also that of the entire sky. It boldly lets loose with a mighty display of color. And then finishes with a whisper, a slow darkening, until the whole sky is black. We were blessed to have been out on a path one night when the sun set. We witnessed it all - and were reminded that God's mercies truly are new each and every day.

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