Thursday, August 9, 2012

God is using AMT

While at the AMT meeting we learned of one of the victories this ministry is having in Ntcheu District and I just have to share it with you! Denominationalism is very big in Malawi - even among evangelical churches. It is such a problem that pastors from different denominations do not associate with or help those from other denominations. Action has been putting on classes, seminars, retreats, etc. and has been inviting all evangelical churches in the area of the program to attend. And with time, much prayer and work the walls of denomination are slowly falling. There are still a few denominations that will not attend if others are there - and it is sad to see them not helping each other. But God is moving among the people in Malawi in such a mighty way. The AMT board of directors is made up of national pastors from different denominations - what an amazing group of men they are! And get this - one of the pastors recently got married and he had a fellow board member - from a different denomination - officiate the ceremony!! That is unheard of in Malawi. It was an incredible story to hear and the faces of the men were simply beaming with joy!

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