Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Funniest Thing

On Friday, June 22, 2012, we got up with the sun, had breakfast and spent the first half of the day talking with Chet and LeAnne Burns. We talked about the work they are doing in Ntcheu, their ministry philosophy, vision, struggles and blessings. We also talked of family, finances and food. We then had a large group lunch and prepared to go to Ntcheu with Sarah. (Sarah is a single, twenty-something Canadian who divides her time between serving Malawian women and substitute teaching in Canada - to pay for the time she is serving in Malawi. She loves the people in Malawi, has adapted to the culture and we were so blessed to have her spend time showing us the town.) We walked to Ntcheu, saw the community well, hospital, bus station, store, etc. and headed to the market to buy a chitenge. The large market was a ways away and so we rode bike taxis. Now, bike taxis in Malawi are not carts pulled by bicycles. They are simply small seats located directly behind the bicycle seat, over the back tire. What an experience!! The bike I was on was leading the way and so, not following anyone, I didn't know if the driver was taking me to the right place or not. But I simply couldn't stop smiling! The wind was whipping through my hair, people were pointing and laughing, I was flying through town on the back of a bicycle and when the ride was over I couldn't wait to do it again. When we arrived at the market everyone was smiling - except Rob who was laughing, out loud. You see, the young man who was pedalling him was more my size and there was a small hill and, well, you get the picture. (He said he so much wanted to trade places with the driver!) The people I had seen pointing and laughing along the side of the road might not have actually been pointing at me. The taxi guys were going to wait for us to shop and then pedal us back to the house. So we walked around the market checking everything out. We found a woman selling chitenges but then I lost Rob. I turned around and he was gone - but the woman at the vendor spot behind me was smiling at something and was trying very hard not to giggle. I followed her gaze and there was Rob, in the middle of a side aisle, drinking a soda. He had simply been thirsty and went to get a drink. However, we didn't know that people who sell the drinks want the bottles back - and since no one knew us he had to drink the whole thing right there, right then, and give the bottle back. The vendors had a good laugh and Rob was a great sport. He actually got very good at downing a soda - I, on the other hand, can't do it.
We finished at the market and walked back to the bike taxis - and three of the four men were there waiting - but Rob's guy was gone. We all had a good laugh and we found another driver, no problem. But then there was a problem with my driver. You see, I was wearing a skirt that prevented me from riding the right way and so I sat side saddle. I got back up on the bike and the driver kept shaking his head no. No one could figure out what he wanted and everyone was laughing - us and the large crowd that had gathered. Finally a young man came up and acted out what the driver wanted and we laughed so hard. Now we were all set and off we went to the house. This time it was down hill, but again Rob's driver was very small. Someone pushed on the seat behind him and the front tire went high in sky. When we arrived at the house our cheeks hurt from so much smiling and laughing - and it was so much fun to see Rob laugh soooooo much!! The whole afternoon was a hoot and a half!

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