Friday, September 14, 2012


After the church service we were treated to an incredible feast. The women in the choir prepared a meal for us to share with the church elders. They made sheema (yes, that is misspelled), rice, chicken, cooked greens, and beans. We were told this was a meal usually saved for a holiday or a special celebration. They also only had a few plates, not enough for everyone, and we were served first while the elders waited. We were humbled and honored by their love. And as we ate with our fingers, no one laughed at the mess we made - although, I must say, we are getting very good at eating with our fingers!
I just had to share a few photos of the kitchen - the open hut with rocks and smoldering coals. They have no counters, appliances, running water or even chairs and yet, they showed us true hospitality and we felt truly loved. You see, big, remodeled kitchens with top of the line, energy efficient, time saving gadgets are not needed. Great cooking skill and the best organic ingredients are not needed. What is needed? Love. Love for God and love for others. As the church we attend is preparing to do 'updates' and remodels I can't help but think of the rural church in Malawi where Christ was present and true love was felt. Love. Love is all you need.

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