Saturday, September 8, 2012

Victory in Jesus

Rob used Romans to teach the congregation how they can have victory over sin - through Jesus Christ Alone. He did a great job relaying this truth. The message was well received and he was invited back. Many came up after the service to tell him what the message meant to them. What a joy is was for him to be able to share Biblical truth with those so thirsty to hear it!
Before the service we were all honored to be seated in the front - the men were in front facing the congregation and the women were up front on the side. In Malawi, men and women (girls and boys) do not sit together - they usually sit on opposite sides of the church, but since we were being honored we sat in front. It was so amazing to see children sitting so quietly and still on the cement benches, too. Actually, I think we, women, were the only ones a bit wiggly as we were not used to sitting on cement benches, and ones without back support. How wimpy of us. Being in this Malawian village church was such a wonderful experience. The people love the Lord soooo much and they showed His love to us - with our wiggles and all.

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