Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Out of the Box

You would think by now I would know. I mean, I do know and I shouldn't be surprised. However, this week I was reminded that God does not fit in a box. He is amazing and awesome and so much bigger than any box we have for Him. His ways are not ours - and we know that. Yet, there are times like this past week that His power and mercy, His might and majesty are so evident the boxes we didn't even know we were making to hold Him are chucked into the recycle bin.
This past week a friend of ours shared exciting news - his ninety year old father accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour. Think about that for a minute. Think about all the time our friend waited and all of the prayers he prayed.
A box cannot hold God's ability, God's timing or God's goodness.
We should never say something can't be done and we should never give up. God is big. This week as we take our boxes out to the recycle bin, let us all remember God is bigger than our boxes - He can do anything and His will cannot be contained. And please join us in celebration as we thank God for giving us a new brother in Christ.

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