Monday, February 1, 2010

First Team Meeting

At our first official meeting Rob wowed us with a great power point presentation highlighting the expectations and the opportunities that are ahead of us. I was excited to meet another family who is praying about going together. There were youth, adults, couples and singles getting information on the trip.

Rob reminded us that this is not an upcoming vacation - but instead an opportunity to be a part of what God is doing in Zambia. He also explained the three stages - or C's - of the trip - Called, Challenged, Changed - and showed his desire to make this a seven month journey (before, during and after)together and not just a show-up-and-go effort.

We were posed with a dilemma - ok, maybe not a dilemma, maybe just a decision that needs made. Because we will be working with AWANA, we were invited to attend the national AWANA conference which will take place at the end of our stay. However, because we will be working with AWANA we will not be able to fully experience Africa until the end of our stay - leaving time for only one thing - conference or experience. At our meeting the group was asked to give input and we are checking out all of our options. More on this later.

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