Friday, April 30, 2010


Four to six weeks before we leave for Zambia we will need to visit a travel doctor for a consultation and some immunizations. (see post titled - excitement or fear building) One of the medications we will receive will be to combat malaria. Malaria is an illness spread by mosquitoes - and it is preventable and treatable. When we went to Haiti it was suggested that we take malaria medication. We chose not to and did not have a problem. However, with going to Zambia malaria medication is not simply suggested, it is strongly advised.
Two thousand children die every day from malaria - 75% of them are African children under the age of five. The two African countries hardest hit by malaria are Mozambique and, you guessed it, Zambia. So why do so many children die from malaria? Simply put, they are poor. And although there is medication available, without money to buy it it doesn't do any good.
Next time you buy medicine, pay a doctor's bill or swat a mosquito, instead of complaining, thank God and pray for the Zambian families who are burying their children because of a mosquito bite.

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