Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quick Updates...

Here are a couple of quick updates on trip details:

A couple of members of the team have decided not to continue. They would have been great assets to the team dynamic and will be missed.

Rob is researching evacuation insurance. In addition to needing regular health insurance we all need to have a policy for evacuation insurance - hopefully we won't need it, though!

Our next team meeting is Monday, April 19.

Last month 18 year old Joash Simalugwe of Kaduku Village, Zambia, was killed when a hippo hit the canoe he and his dad were in while fishing on Lake Kariba. It was only a couple of months ago that his younger sister was killed by a crocodile on the same lake. The people of Kaduku need to fish on the lake for food and money and they have appealed to the Zambian government for help in wildlife management. However, no help is coming. And some have gone so far as to declare this problem to be because of witchcraft. Please pray for the Simalugwe family and the people of Kaduku Village.

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